Go Therefore and make disciples of all Nations- Matthew 28:19




Whether you're just starting your journey in Christ or been following Jesus your whole life, we believe that everyone has a next step to take in their Christian walk with Christ. We offer a few resources to help you on your journey.

Bible Study

Everyone should make time to learn and grow in God's Word. We offer corporate Bible Study Monday nights at 7:30pm and we offer one on one Bible Studies in person or virtual. Bible study allows you to dive deep into God's Word and learn about many things including Gods plan for salvation.

New Members Class

Everyone is encouraged to attend our New Members sessions. You will learn more about the history, mission, and vision of New Life Tabernacle Carrollwood and next steps. Everyone is welcomed

Discipleship Class

We offer consistent teachings and sessions to help you understand what it means to be a Christian and how we can apply Biblical principals to everything we do in during our walk with Christ. Sessions topics vary from finance, training our children, relationships and more. 


We provide various opportunities to fellowship and connect with the church body. We host enrichments, game nights, socials and more. We focus on community engagement and giving back through our "We Care" sector.

Let's connect

Bible study
 sign up form